AGES: 6-11
Lets Play with Clay!
Kids love working with their hands creating pottery and getting messy with clay. There's lots to learn and explore while sculpting and making pieces they can have for a lifetime. Nothing is better than looking back at the creativity of a child’s sculpture when they are older.
We start with the basics of how to make pinch pots and coil pots to develop a foundation. After learning those, their imagination is the only limit!
Clay creatures, candle holders, mugs, bookends, pencil holders, containers with lids, and so much more . . . the list of potential projects is nearly endless.
Students with good hand strength will make the most out of this class.
* NO CLASSES Monday, Feb 17 (Family Day), the week of March 10-14, and Easter Monday, April 21, 2025.
How to Book
Download (print and sign) the waiver here:
Select "Register" to enter your information.
You can upload your signed waiver by selecting "Choose File" (your saved and signed file), or bring it in to your first class.
Number of Classes : 8*
Max # Students : 10
Location : JB Arts -> Pottery Studio (Lower Level)
There is no "Shipping" cost, please ignore.