David Langevin Master Set

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This collection features the best quality professional paints in both liquid and high viscosity formulas. This assortment of vivid single pigment colours allows for the widest possible range of effects from brilliant and luminous transparent and translucent colour effects (glazes and veils) using the liquid acrylics, to bold, crisp impasto passages with the high viscosity paints.  With these, the painter has the highest level of expressive possibilities and freedom using the greatest range from extremely transparent to the very opaque.  

The self-leveling fluid paints are capable of very fine details, maintaining the impression of a brush stroke or creating smooth glowing layers of colour. The High Viscosity paints are the thickest consistency available which gives the painter the ability to create vibrant, striking effects and also to maintain the fidelity of a brushstroke; attributes normally associated with oil paints. 

All of the paints are single pigment formulas to maintain the maximum luminosity and brilliance of the colours.