Glass Etching Workshop with Jeff (Saturday, January 18th, 10am-noon)

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2-hr Glass Etching Workshop with Jeff


Saturday, January 18th, 10am-noon

Students in this class will create a beautiful fogged picture or design in glass panels.  These panels would look fabulous hanging in a window or on a wall.  Students can use pre-made patterns to make stencils, or design on their own to be applied on glass.  When the design is ready, we carefully apply a sticky film to the glass to cut away anything we would like etched/fogged in the design.  After all the cutting is done, we apply the etching cream for the final finish.  Give the glass a wash, and peel off the plastic to reveal the finished product.  By the time you are done this workshop, you should have the confidence to try it at home on your own.
Teacher: Donna Mitchell

Max # Students: 12

Location : JB Arts -> Main Floor Studio

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